Just about everybody is socially distancing or self-isolating because of Covid-19. Understandably this is leading to feelings of anxiety, loneliness and even depression. Usually cheerful people are dreading what might be on the way this winter.
During this pandemic, where ‘rules’ change almost daily, mental health issues can affect anyone. The stress caused by major lifestyle changes can easily trigger symptoms.
Mindful exercise like Pilates can help you cope with feelings of negativity and reduce the impact of COVID-induced anxiety on your daily life.
Pilates is all about ‘the breath’. Breathing deeply and mindfully while moving in tune with your breath can be greatly beneficial. It helps calm the senses and quieten the mind in stressful times. The concentration and focus during Pilates will help you cope with your daily life. If you start to feel anxious, taking some controlled Pilates breaths will slow your heart rate and give you a more positive focus.
There is much research which shows that exercise can help reduce chronic depression by increasing serotonin and endorphin levels. These are the ‘feel good’ hormones produced in the body, which regulate mood, sleep and appetite.
Pilates will improve your ability to control your body and improve both your balance and coordination. If you are feeling isolated at home, these physical benefits will help you to adjust to the current new normal.
Practising Pilates online is a great and safe way to become part of a community. It will give you a sense of belonging, which might be missing at the moment. Following an organised and structured class, where you will receive individual advice will definitely boost your mood, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner. Just seeing other people’s pets and children wander across a mat during a class will bring a smile to your face.
I can’t promise that Zoom Pilates will cure anxiety, stress and mental health problems, but it will definitely help you feel fitter, stronger, calmer and part of a like-minded, supportive community.
Welcome to Jo’s Space.