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Getting back to the mat after coronavirus

No matter how careful we all are about hand hygiene, social distancing and mask wearing, no-one is immune from catching Covid-19, as I know all too well! I was lucky to have pretty mild symptoms compared to some people, but for a few days I did feel absolutely awful and spent more hours sleeping than awake. After listening to my body, I’m now back teaching my zoom yoga and Pilates classes which I love.

So if you’re recovering from coronavirus or winter flu, when and how should you get back on the mat? Obviously everyone is different and it depends how healthy you generally are and how severe your symptoms have been. Looking through some of the most recent scientific evidence, it’s recommended that even the previously fittest of people should rest completely for the first ten days from the time they get symptoms if these have affected their breathing in any way and then take an additional week off while their symptoms resolve. So that’s almost three weeks! This is because no one yet knows what the long-term effects of Covid-19 on the heart are likely to be.

But coronavirus affects different people in different ways. Some people might not experience anything other than a loss of taste and smell for example. If you test positive and these are your only symptoms, it means your body is only experiencing a low response to the virus. It’s still not recommended to go for a run or place heavy cardiovascular demands on your body but a gentle yoga class could certainly help lift your mood.

When you’ve given yourself time to recover and you’re ready to get back on the mat, start slowly. Even after your symptoms have eased, your body may still be fighting the virus. This is where taking a zoom yoga or Pilates class can be so beneficial.

Let me know if you’re recovering from illness and I can give you lots of modifications to help you ease back in gradually at a pace that’s right for you. Also, if you’re taking a class virtually, you won’t be exposed to anyone else’s coughs and colds at a time when your immune system is still vulnerable. If anything feels too much, you can simply take a rest!

So, whilst exercise is important for your health and well-being, never push yourself too far, too soon.

Welcome to Jo’s Space.

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