“I have just had the most wonderful massage from Jo, her hands are magical. I could feel the knots in my shoulders melting away and I now feel more freedom when I move. My New Year’s resolution is to have more massages.”
This fantastic testament to the power of massage came from one of my lovely clients, who is truly feeling the benefits that regular massage can bring. But should massage just be seen as a relaxing treat? Something you can occasionally indulge in? Or does it have actual long lasting benefits?
To answer this conundrum, it’s worth looking at what happens to your body during a sports massage. The musculoskeletal system is manipulated, which releases and reduces tension in the muscles, helps improve the circulation and promotes relaxation. Massage also encourages the removal of waste products such as excess lactic acid which is released during high intensity activity. This can shorten recovery time and reduce muscle fatigue. Sports massage therapists can identify and address muscle imbalances that contribute to poor posture. By correcting these imbalances, sports massage can improve your posture, reduce pain and risk of injury.
Anyone who is prone to overuse injuries may benefit from sports massage in between training sessions; as the muscles relax and recover fully before the next session. It also helps improve flexibility, as tight muscles can restrict your range of motion. Regular sports massage can help prevent injuries by keeping muscles loose and joints mobile.
In addition to the physical benefits, sports massage can help decrease stress levels, as it stimulates the production of the body's natural endorphins which are involved in mood regulation, stress reduction and relaxation. This can contribute to improved sleep quality, which is crucial for overall health and recovery.
So who can benefit from sports massage? The answer is anyone and everyone! Whether you’re a seasoned competitor looking to improve your performance and achieve a PB, new to exercise and want to relax your aching muscles, are returning from an injury and keen to get going again or simply want to prevent injury following gentle jogs; a sports massage could benefit you.
In answer to the question ‘Is sports massage a treat or a treatment?’ The answer is both!
Jo Spacey is an accredited Sports Massage Therapist